Monday, September 30, 2019
Softdrinks: Bad Influence for Our Bones, Teeth, and Body Weight
Coca-Cola’s advertisements typically radiate happiness and refreshment. In one of its latest ads, it shows its product as a factory of happiness. Soda advertisements can be very effective in psychologically conditioning people to think that softdrinks are equal to a happy and beautiful life. It sends a message that when people drink soda, they are drinking their way to a happier life. In reality, softdrinks wreak havoc to people’s health and lives. Sodas, as several scientific studies prove, are not good for us at all.Softdrinks may seem like a refreshing way to ease a hot day, but their short-term benefits cannot outweigh their long-term destructive effects. People should not drink softdrinks anymore, because of its bad influence on our bones, teeth, and body weight. Softdrinks drill cavities into our teeth. Poonam Jain, director of community dentistry at Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine says: â€Å"Soda eats up and dissolves the tooth enamelâ₠¬ (Kanigel). Jain examined several sodas by measuring their pH level, which is an indication of acidity. Water has pH of 7; sugar-sweetened sodas range at 2.5; while diet sodas tally at 3. 2 (Kanigel). Jain stresses that soda’s acidity is even worse for our teeth than solid sugar in candy, because soda corrodes our teeth enamel, which hastens the tooth decay process by making it easier for bacteria to penetrate our teeth (Kanigel). A number of studies, including a University of Michigan investigation of dental checkup data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, back up that adults who imbibe â€Å"three or more sodas a day have up to 62% more decayed, missing, and filled teeth than those who drink less†(Kanigel).Softdrinks are good for sipping, and at times, it seems better to let the taste simmer in our mouth. People do not know that sipping soda actually makes it harder for their saliva to go back to neutral levels (Kanigel). Jain emphasi zes that â€Å"This is particularly an issue for people who drink several sodas a day, because they never give their saliva a chance to neutralize†(Kanigel). Clearly, sodas destroy our chances for that beaming close-up smile. Softdrinks eat away our bones too. Several studies showed that softdrinks have been correlated to lower bone density.In the 1950s, children downed 3 cups of milk for every 1 cup of sugary drinks; now, it has been reversed, because children drink 3 cups of sweetened drinks for every cup of milk (Kanigel). A number of experts connect softdrinks with osteoporosis, because people drink milk less, when they drink more softdrinks (Kanigel). The study by Jean Mayer of the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center, on the other hand, does not find a connection between drinking softdrinks and drinking milk, although their study also shows that cola consumption decreases bone density for older women (Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 1).Girls are also being n egatively affected by sodas. In a study of 460 adolescent students in 2000, the Harvard School of Public Health discovered that â€Å"girls who drank carbonated soft drinks were three times as likely to break their arms and legs as those who consumed other drinks†(Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 1). The study underscores that dark drinks seem to be more health-aversive than fruit-flavored drinks, because the study show that girls who imbibed colas were five times more prone to breaking their arms and legs in their adolescent years than girls who stopped drinking soda(Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 1).Grace Wyshak, PhD, a biostatistician and the study's primary researcher, suggests that something in colas hold back the body's capability to use calcium (Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 1). She is alarmed that this will make girls more susceptible to fractures and bone problems in later life (Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 1). Indeed , sipping soda can be similar to chipping our bones away. Drinking sodas add up to our waistline. Olsen and Heitmann and Vartanian et al. review literature on the relationship between obesity and softdrinks. Majority of the studies prove that drinking sodas can be linked to obesity.Pereira also examines the evidence that links obesity and softdrinks. She concludes that several studies illustrate that there is a relationship between drinking sweet drinks like soda and higher body mass index. Marr also mentions studies that blame softdrinks for many children being obese or overweight. David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, director of the obesity program at Children's Hospital Boston agrees with Marr and states: â€Å"In my estimation, sugary beverages are one of the two leading environmental causes of obesity, perhaps second only to TV viewing in the magnitude of its effect†(Kanigel).In 2001, he and his peers at the Harvard School of Public Health provided strong evidence that linked obes ity and softdrinks (Kanigel). They followed 548 teens for 19 months and discovered that teenagers who drank more sodas were more overweight than those who did not (Kanigel). Another study suggests that fructose in softdrinks can stimulate appetite, which makes it easier for people to get fatter (Kanigel). Softdrinks are fatteners. On the other hand, people who say that softdrinks is a cheap and easy way to feel refreshed want to defend their sodas.The reaction to this is that people can also drink cold water and feel refreshed. They can even drink lemon juice and dash it with honey, and they get less calories and fructose. Soda producers also assert that soda provides funding for many education programs. Yes, soda does that, but how about the bad influence of softdrinks? Childhood obesity cannot ethically fund education. Softdrinks are bad influence in many ways; they are bad for our bones, teeth, and weight. They increase risks for a number of health problems. They are not what the y want to be- to bring happiness to people.How can people be in high spirits, when they have bone problems, tooth decay, diabetes, or they are overweight? The ads got it all wrong. Sodas can make people unhappy. Works cited Kanigel, Rachele. â€Å"It Raises Diabetes Risk And Robs Bone. It's Wrecking Our Teeth. And It's Making Us Fat. The Culprit? Soda. †Prevention 58. 10 (2006): 160-207. Marr, Liz. â€Å"Soft Drinks, Childhood Overweight, and the Role of Nutrition Educators: Let's Base Our Solutions on Reality and Sound Science. †Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior 36. 5 (2004): 258-265. Olsen, N. J. and B. L. Heitmann. â€Å"Intake of Calorically Sweetened Beverages and Obesity.†Obesity Reviews 10. 1 (2009): 68-75. Pereira, M. A. â€Å"The Possible Role of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages in Obesity Etiology: A Review of the Evidence. †International Journal of Obesity 30 (2006): S28-S36. Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. â€Å"Cola May Up O steoporosis Risk for Older Women. †Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 24. 11 (2007): 1-2. Vartanian, Lenny R. , Schwartz, Marlene B. , and Kelly D. Brownell. â€Å"Effects of Soft Drink Consumption on Nutrition and Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. †American Journal of Public Health 97. 4 (2007): 667-675.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Deception Point Page 6
As the PaveHawk settled onto the runway beside the President's plane, Rachel now understood the references to Air Force One being the commander-in-chief's â€Å"portable home court advantage.†The machine was an intimidating sight. When the President flew to other countries to meet heads of state, he often requested – for security purposes – that the meeting take place on the runway aboard his jet. Although some of the motives were security, certainly another incentive was to gain a negotiating edge through raw intimidation. A visit to Air Force One was far more intimidating than any trip to the White House. The six-foot-high letters along the fuselage trumpeted â€Å"UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.†A female English cabinet member had once accused President Nixon of â€Å"waving his manhood in her face†when he asked her to join him aboard Air Force One. Later the crew jokingly nicknamed the plane â€Å"Big Dick.†â€Å"Ms. Sexton?†A blazer-clad Secret Serviceman materialized outside the chopper and opened the door for her. â€Å"The President is waiting for you.†Rachel got out of the chopper and gazed up the steep gangway at the bulging hull. Into the flying phallus. She had once heard the flying â€Å"Oval Office†had over four thousand square feet of interior floor space, including four separate private sleeping quarters, berths for a twenty-six-member flight crew, and two galleys capable of providing food for fifty people. Climbing the stairway, Rachel felt the Secret Serviceman on her heels, urging her upward. High above, the cabin door stood open like a tiny puncture wound on the side of a gargantuan silver whale. She moved toward the darkened entryway and felt her confidence starting to ebb. Easy, Rachel. It's just a plane. On the landing, the Secret Serviceman politely took her arm and guided her into a surprisingly narrow corridor. They turned right, walked a short distance, and emerged into a luxurious and spacious cabin. Rachel immediately recognized it from photographs. â€Å"Wait here,†the serviceman said, and he disappeared. Rachel stood alone in Air Force One's famous wood-paneled fore cabin. This was the room used for meetings, entertaining dignitaries, and, apparently, for scaring the hell out of first-time passengers. The room spanned the entire width of the plane, as did its thick tan carpeting. The furnishings were impeccable – cordovan leather armchairs around a bird's-eye maple meeting table, burnished brass floor lamps beside a continental sofa, and hand-etched crystal glassware on a mahogany wet bar. Supposedly, Boeing designers had carefully laid out this fore cabin to provide passengers with â€Å"a sense of order mixed with tranquility.†Tranquility, however, was the last thing Rachel Sexton was feeling at the moment. The only thing she could think of was the number of world leaders who had sat in this very room and made decisions that shaped the world. Everything about this room said power, from the faint aroma of fine pipe tobacco to the ubiquitous presidential seal. The eagle clasping the arrows and olive branches was embroidered on throw pillows, carved into the ice bucket, and even printed on the cork coasters on the bar. Rachel picked up a coaster and examined it. â€Å"Stealing souvenirs already?†a deep voice asked behind her. Startled, Rachel wheeled, dropping the coaster on the floor. She knelt awkwardly to retrieve it. As she grasped the coaster, she turned to see the President of the United States gazing down at her with an amused grin. â€Å"I'm not royalty, Ms. Sexton. There's really no need to kneel.†7 Senator Sedgewick Sexton savored the privacy of his Lincoln stretch limousine as it snaked through Washington's morning traffic toward his office. Across from him, Gabrielle Ashe, his twenty-four-year-old personal assistant, read him his daily schedule. Sexton was barely listening. I love Washington, he thought, admiring the assistant's perfect shape beneath her cashmere sweater. Power is the greatest aphrodisiac of all†¦ and it brings women like this to D.C. in droves. Gabrielle was a New York Ivy Leaguer with dreams of being a senator herself one day. She'll make it too, Sexton thought. She was incredible-looking and sharp as a whip. Above all, she understood the rules of the game. Gabrielle Ashe was black, but her tawny coloring was more of a deep cinnamon or mahogany, the kind of comfortable in-between that Sexton knew bleeding heart â€Å"whites†could endorse without feeling like they were giving away the farm. Sexton described Gabrielle to his cronies as Halle Berry's looks with Hillary Clinton's brains and ambition, although sometimes he thought even that was an understatement. Gabrielle had been a tremendous asset to his campaign since he'd promoted her to his personal campaign assistant three months ago. And to top it all off, she was working for free. Her compensation for a sixteen-hour workday was learning the ropes in the trenches with a seasoned politician. Of course, Sexton gloated, I've persuaded her to do a bit more than just work. After promoting Gabrielle, Sexton had invited her to a late night â€Å"orientation session†in his private office. As expected, his young assistant arrived starstruck and eager to please. With a slow-moving patience mastered over decades, Sexton worked his magic†¦ building up Gabrielle's trust, carefully stripping away her inhibitions, exhibiting tantalizing control, and finally seducing her right there in his office. Sexton had little doubt the encounter had been one of the most sexually gratifying experiences of the young woman's life, and yet, in the light of the day, Gabrielle clearly regretted the indiscretion. Embarrassed, she offered to resign. Sexton refused. Gabrielle stayed on, but she made her intentions very clear. The relationship had been strictly business ever since. Gabrielle's pouty lips were still moving. â€Å"†¦ don't want you to be lackadaisical going into this CNN debate this afternoon. We still don't know who the White House is sending as opposition. You'll want to peruse these notes I typed.†She handed him a folder. Sexton took the folder, savoring the scent of her perfume mixed with the plush leather seats. â€Å"You aren't listening,†she said. â€Å"Certainly am.†He grinned. â€Å"Forget about this CNN debate. Worst case scenario, the White House snubs me by sending some low-level campaign intern. Best case scenario, they send a bigwig, and I eat him for lunch.†Gabrielle frowned. â€Å"Fine. I've included a list of the most probable hostile topics in your notes.†â€Å"The usual suspects no doubt.†â€Å"With one new entry. I think you might face some hostile backlash from the gay community for your comments last night on Larry King.†Sexton shrugged, barely listening. â€Å"Right. The same-sex marriage thing.†Gabrielle gave him a disapproving look. â€Å"You did come out against it pretty strongly.†Same-sex marriages, Sexton thought in disgust. If it were up to me, the faggots wouldn't even have the right to vote. â€Å"Okay, I'll turn it down a notch.†â€Å"Good. You've been pushing the envelope a bit on some of these hot topics lately. Don't get cocky. The public can turn in an instant. You're gaining now, and you have momentum. Just ride it out. There's no need to hit the ball out of the park today. Just keep it in play.†â€Å"Any news from the White House?†Gabrielle looked pleasantly baffled. â€Å"Continued silence. It's official; your opponent has become the ‘Invisible Man.'†Sexton could barely believe his good fortune lately. For months, the President had been working hard on the campaign trail. Then suddenly, a week ago, he had locked himself in the Oval Office, and nobody had seen or heard from him since. It was as if the President simply could not face Sexton's groundswell of voter support.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Reasons why the two United States Embassies in Africa in 1998 were so Essay
Reasons why the two United States Embassies in Africa in 1998 were so vulnerable to terrorists. What went into the planning of those attacks - Essay Example The department of state gathered intelligence on this attacks prior to them occurring but were dismissed as too vague to be useful. (The washington Post, 1999) The second reason is that state agencies such as the FBI and CIA failed to predict the consequences of their pressure on the bin Laden network. In 1997 and 1998 the state agencies put a lot of pressure on the network plus other affiliated groups such as the Al-Haramain thinking that such pressure will make the network to stop its activities. They did not think past the consequences of this which led to the bin laden declaration of war on America especially on embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. (IPP Media, 2011) The third reason is that the two countries Kenya and Tanzania were chosen by the bin laden network because they were convenient for the terrorist organization. A look at both countries shows as that they lacked adequate security during this time especially in Tanzania. The two countries have also a sizeable number of Muslims and people of Arab origin and therefore it was easy to blend in to accomplish their mission. The two nations especially Kenya are known to have close ties with America and therefore bombing such nations meant successful bombing on US territory. The above mentioned factors contributed largely to the vulnerability of the US embassies to Terrorist attacks. (James M. Lutz, 2004) The two bombing attacks in Nairobi and Dar es salaam are believed by many to be a revenge mission for the bin laden network on America for its involvement in the extradition and alleged torture of some members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad that are said to have been arrested in Albania two months before the attacks. The four men were said to be involved in the assassination of Rifaat el-Mahgoub and a plot against the Khan el-Khalili market in Cairo. There was a communiquà © prepared by the bin
Friday, September 27, 2019
Pretend you are the Education Secretary Arne Duncan. How would you go Essay
Pretend you are the Education Secretary Arne Duncan. How would you go about tweaking the NCLB What innovations would you implem - Essay Example The No Child Left Behind Act (also referred to as NCLB for short) mandated that by 2014, 90% of all schools will be meeting or exceeding state standards. One problem that NCLB does not take into account is that learning is cumulative. Therefore, if any benchmarks are missed in the beginning, it will be harder and harder for children to keep up to the standards when they are already lagging behind in test scores. The ISAT test measures elementary school childrens’ progress, while the PSAE (the Prairie State Achievement Exam) is given to 11th graders. The PSAE is helpful because it is the test that determines what a school’s Adequate Yearly Progress is. If a school fails to make AYP for a certain number of years, the school has to improve or face restructuringâ€â€which involves firing all of the staff and starting with a completely new faculty. Also, a culture open to learning is instilled in the new staff members. Schools may not make AYP for several reasons. One rea son might be that transfer students can bring down the general scores of a school. In fact, â€Å"The recent proposal of Senator Joe Lieberman on revamping NCLB school choice provisions suggested providing a safe harbor for one year from AYP calculations for the new out-of-district student transfers.†1 Schools that do not make AYP are generally schools that have a high number of at-risk studentsâ€â€who, for whatever reasonâ€â€come from underserved and socioeconomically underprivileged populations. In sum, No Child Left Behind needs to be drastically overhauled so that schools that are not making AYP are not penalized, but rather are being given an extension past 2014 in order to improve further. Putting a timetable on when everyone should be at an ideal level of success is setting everyone up for failureâ€â€both students and teachers. Even the best teachers in the world cannot rush success. Improving schools go hand in hand with improving student performance at th ese schools that don’t make AYP on a yearly basis. â€Å"According to one survey, sixteen to nineteen year olds in the high-risk category were almost four times as likely to be high school dropouts as those not in the high-risk category.†2 Improving schools in the United States is going to be a time-consuming and rigorous task. In order to improve schools, one of the main foci will be to attempt to raise student test scores by having them take more practice tests, encouraging them to do more independent study outside the class, and encouraging them to complete their assignments in a neat and timely manner. In schools where there are a dense population of at-risk students, it’s important to stress values and social skills as part of the hidden curriculum. That notwithstanding, another integral part of any school is its teaching staff. That having been said, the next issue to be discussed is the quality of the faculty at schools across the country. There are sever al factors which influence a student. â€Å"At the classroom level there are three main variables which accounted for the learning of the pupil: time, opportunity, and the quality of instruction. Time and opportunity†¦influence†¦the pupil’s learning [directly] whereas the quality of instruction [has an impact on] time and opportunity.†3 Obviously, what would help tremendously is if a teacher knows how to properly budget his or her time, and spend a majority of class time implementing a lesson and then having the students work. This is the main idea of what education consists of at the high school and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Legal unit3 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Legal unit3 - Case Study Example 28). Lastly, the conclusion of the issue before Court inform of ruling (Guether 2006, sec 1.1). This Appeal involves Lovington Good Centre as the appellant against Mrs. Mitchell the Appellee. The history of this case is that Mitchell got terminated by the Appellee without benefit Mitchell applied to the Unemployment Commission for benefits, but the application got turned down. Mitchell then, appealed to the Tribunal of Appeal which reversed the commission decision. The centre appealed the decision of the Appeal Tribunal to the Commissioner who reversed the decision upholding the disqualification of benefits. Mitchell appealed the Commissioners decision to the district court which overruled the Commissioners decision reinstating the benefits causing the Centre to appeal. The facts are that, Mitchell had used insubordinate language by calling her seniors bird brains and that on several occasion she failed to wear uniform while on duty. The question before the Court is whether Mrs. Mitchell’s actions amount to misconduct. Misconduct rule got applied as defined in the case of Boyton Cab Co v Neubeck, 237 Wis. 248 (1941) to mean willful disregard of an employers interest as observing in deliberate violation of standards which the employer expects from the employee. The failure of Mitchell to wear the uniform and calling of names amounts to misconduct. In conclusion because Mrs. Mitchell willfully and negligently fails to wear uniform as instructed by the employer is guilty of misconduct. This case involves Rodman as the appellant against Mexico Security Department as the Appellee. The Appeal arose from the upholding of administrative decision denying unemployment compensation to the appellant. The facts are that, Rodman the appellate used to receive subordinate telephone calls and visitors during the time of work at Presbyterian Hospital. Rodman continued receiving phone
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Prohibition of Horizontal Direct Effect of Directives Essay
The Prohibition of Horizontal Direct Effect of Directives - Essay Example In order to fully implement its policies, pieces of legislation are enacted by the European Parliament, European Commission and the Council of the European Union. On the other hand, the European Court of Justice plays an important role in the interpretation of European Union laws which consist of treaties, regulations and directives among others. Its interpretation aids the member states in the proper implementation of the European Union laws. In its case law, the European Court of Justice has introduced the principle of direct effect of European Union laws in the member states. The principle of direct effect was designed to ensure the effectiveness of the European laws, enabling the citizens to use it before their respective national courts. Correspondingly, the doctrine of direct effect have a substantial effect on the legal systems of the member states, because it paved the way for individuals to enforce rights which originates from community legislation before their national courts. And as such, the principle has become a distinctive aspect of the European Union. The landmark case of Van Gend and Loos v. ... ven though the treaty did not state that it was directly effective, it was in consonance with the nature of the treaty that the provision on the abolition of custom duties should be directly effective. Significantly, the court enumerated the guidelines for establishing direct effect to wit: The provision must be sufficiently clear and precisely stated, it must be unconditional or non-dependent and provision must confer a specific right for the citizen to base his or her claim (Van Gend and Loos v. Netherlands Inland Revenue Administration, 1963). Conformity with the aforementioned guidelines will enable European citizens to enforce their rights and to rely directly on the provisions of Community law before their national courts. Similarly, the court states that the direct effect confers the company a direct assurance of its rights under Community law before its national courts. The principle of direct effect goes after the principle of primacy of community laws developed by the Europ ean Court of Justice in the case of Costa v. ENEL. In the case of Costa v. ENEL, (1964) the court likewise pointed out in paragraph seven of the case, that a member state's obligation under the European Economic Community Treaty, in the execution, effect or adoption of any measures either by States or by Commission is legally complete and consequently producing direct effects on the relations between member states and individuals. Correspondingly, it becomes an integral part of the legal system of the member state, and as such, national courts are duty bound to protect it. The principle of direct effect, basically deals with the enforceability of European Union laws by citizens of member states. The Doctrine of Direct effect can be classified into two. The vertical direct effect and the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Week 5 discussion 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 5 discussion 2 - Essay Example Policies standardizing assessment procedures, teaching strategies and methods also allow policy makers to monitor and regulate education across the different schools spread out across the state. As a result, students transferring from one school to another across cities undergo a smooth transition because of the similarity in curriculum. Furthermore, within the classroom setting, teachers must ensure their teaching strategies and methods address the needs of their diverse student population. This helps to prevent instances where some students feel left out resulting in decreased motivation levels for academic achievement. Educators rely on lesson plans to formulate teaching objectives that embrace the different learning needs of all students (Diarra, 2005). In conclusion, the entire state stands to benefit from efforts made in the education sector geared towards embracing diversity created by the diverse population residing in the different cities within the state. States with policies equipped to deal with internal diversity have an easier time dealing with external diversity resulting from globalization (Diarra, 2005). Diarra, M. (2005, March 17). Reaching Across Borders to Improve Teaching. Retrieved February 9, 2013, from Reaching Across Borders to Improve Teaching:
Monday, September 23, 2019
Dr Martin Luther Kings I have a Dream Speech Assignment
Dr Martin Luther Kings I have a Dream Speech - Assignment Example It seeks to redeem the promise for the Negroes of America to also equally enjoy the â€Å"riches of freedom and the security of justice†. The speech became very effective that it became one of the greatest speech of all time because it effectively used the rhetorical devices of pathos, ethos and logos. The speech began by agitating the audience through the use of ethos or emotion by first mentioning the broken promise of the Emancipation Proclamation which should have freed the Negro slaves and yet the Negro is still enslaved. They are still being discriminated against not only in the buses and restaurants but also in opportunities which America had promised to give everybody an equal access. He elaborated the plight of the Negro as he languished in poverty and misery which his audience could relate. Further, he fanned this flamed emotion (ethos) by appealing to their desires to be free and equal by the speech’s main theme of his dream which is also the dream of every Negro. As Dr Martin Luther King enunciates his dream, he called for restraint and unity as they struggle for equality with everybody. This sobriet y despite mass support reinforced his ethos or integrity of character. He could have called for a revolution and with his popularity, his supporters and people would have heeded. But Reverend King chose to protest and air his grievance peacefully. It has to be remembered that Luther King is a Pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Being such, Dr King is highly respected and embodied the ethos of his speech. His speech, while it calls for activism when he mentioned â€Å"now is the time†supports the loftiness of his character as he pursue that dream of his saying â€Å"I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places plains and the crooked places will be made straight, and before the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together†. The Logos or the logic of the speech is undeniable.Â
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Intellectual Property Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Intellectual Property - Case Study Example Step I.  Understanding the situationStep I.  Understanding the situationA.  List and number the relevant facts, check whether the fact is an ethics or legal issue, identify potential harm.    Fact : Intellectual property right is significant in promoting creativity which in turn requires protection.           Ethical: Its violation kills the spirit of innovation and is significantly unethical.  Legal : The law is clear that invading the intellectual property is punishable by imprisonment or fine Potential or resulting harm :Violation of such IPR is retrogressive to the society at large.        B.  List the stakeholders involved. The copyrights society, the government, artists and creative personalities.C.  Which of the above facts has a societal impact? 1. List the local (US) impact of the ethical dilemma.-Possible disagreement among the management team members-Possible disciplinary measures for the violators by the copyrights authorities. 2. List the Global impact of the ethical dilemma-It has cost the world a lot of money to the unscrupulous businessmen.-It has attracted strict patent, copyright and intellectual property rights regulations.Step II.  Isolating the major ethical dilemma. A. Restate the primary ethical issue using the form:  Should someone do or not do something?
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Week 2 Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Essay Example for Free
Week 2 Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Essay Please complete the following exercises, remembering that you are in an academic setting and should remain unbiased, considerate, and professional when completing this worksheet. Part I Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each: ?Race ?Ethnicity ?Religion ?Gender ?Sexual orientation ?Age ?Disability Category Stereotype 1 Stereotype 2 Stereotype 3 Race African Americans are the best at basketball or foorball. Hispanics don’t know English. All Asians know Karate. Gender Women are the homemakers. Men are the income providers. A woman’s place is in the kitchen. Age When someone gets old they will be senile or have dementia. Old people do not learn very well. The older you get the more religious you become. Part II Answer each question in 50 to 100 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. ?What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? The only positive I could see to a stereotype will only to prove the stereotype untrue. No good can come from a stereotype since they usually do not provide any real facts only assumption. This is when people get their feelings hurt and want to be more combative to the labeler and other like them. ?What are the negative aspects of stereotypes? The negatives to stereotypes are the facts are not really there. Anyone can be good at sports or any race can learn Karate. Stereotypes are generally associated with negative feelings towards another race, gender, or age group. Stereotypes tend to lead to racism or prejudice which can lead to fights or even wars. Copyright  © 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet ETH/125 Version 8 2. Part III Answer each question in 50 to 150 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. ?Define stereotypes and prejudice. What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice? Use examples to illustrate the differences. A stereotype is where a person or group of people believe that untrue characteristics about another group or person. An example of a sterotype would be that all Asians are geniuses. According to â€Å"Dictionary. com†(2014), prejudice means â€Å"an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason†. An example would be that after 911 people of Arab decent, or even resembling the Arab nationality through appearance or name, are looked at differently and with suspicion or wrong doings. ?What is the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice? The relationship between stereotyping and prejudice almost always work together. A person who is prejudice judges another without having met the person or group before and stereotyping is assuming incorrect information about others based on a limited experience. Usually a person who is prejudice became that way because of stereotypes from either their own experience or from people they respect. ?What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring? People can make others aware of prejudice and how to spot when someone is the subject of stereotyping. Teach children at a young age that all people are equal regardless of age, race, or religious beliefs. Finally, practice treating everyone as equals even when others do not agree with your views. References: Dictionary. com. (2014). Retrieved from http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/prejudice Copyright  © 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Case Study Of Meningococcal disease Essay
Case Study Of Meningococcal disease Essay As a paramedic attending a patient it is important that all presenting conditions, signs and symptoms are adequately assessed using the tools available to paramedics. Along with the assessment a thorough history must be obtained to identify the main presenting problem so appropriate management and treatment can be implemented. Through the limited information provided it has been determined that the patient is presenting with signs and symptoms of meningococcal disease. Patient presentation of meningococcal disease will generally present with typical triad of symptoms such as fever, intense headache and altered conscious state. However one of the clearest and most important signs of meningococcal is the petechial or purpuric rash on the trunk and limbs. Other signs and symptoms of meningococcal are joint pain, photophobia, general malaise and lethargy, hypotension and/or tachycardia (Victorian Department of Health, 2009). Meningococcal disease has two main clinical presentations which are meningitis which is an inflammation or infection of the meninges and affects the cerebrospinal fluid within the subarachnoid space. The second presentation is septicaemia which is a systemic infection present in the blood caused by an infection which started in another part of the body (Harris, Nagy Vardaxis, 2006). Meningococcal disease can occur at any age with babies and young children under the age of five at most risk, it should be noted that susceptibility decreases with age however there can be a secondary peak of infection which occurs in adolescents and young adults aged between 15 24 years of age (Victorian Department of Health, 2009). As our patient is presenting with the classic signs and symptoms of meningococcal disease and is within the relevant age group for increased susceptibility it is important that as paramedics we treat the patient in accordance with the clinical practice guidelines keeping the pay off principle in mind. Meningococcal disease can result in death from cardiovascular failure or increased intracranial pressure. Treatment of meningococcal in accordance with Ambulance Victoria Clinical Practice Guidelines is to confirm meningococcal septicaemia by confirming a purpuric rash, headache, fever, joint pain, altered conscious state, hypotension and/or tachycardia. Ceftriaxone is to be given either intramuscularly or intravenously and is considered as a chemoprophylaxis for meningococcal as it has excellent activity against Neisseria species. Neisseria meningitides is the bacteria which causes meningococcal infection (Ambulance Victoria, 2009). Differential Diagnoses Encephalitis is a viral infection of the brain which may occur after an infection such as chickenpox, measles or influenza. Clinically there is little difference between encephalitis and meningococcal disease as they both present with a headache, fever and altered conscious state, however a patient with encephalitis will have seizures and paralysis and no purpuric rash. Further investigations at hospital such as a CT scan, lumbar puncture and spinal fluid analysis is required to definitively diagnose a patient with suspected encephalitis. (Cameron, Jelinek, Kelly, Murray, Brown, 2009) Subarachnoid haemorrhage a patient presenting with a subarachnoid haemorrhage will be complaining of a severe headache and may present with an altered conscious state with lucid intervals, neck stiffness and abnormal pupils. Syncope and seizures are common along with hypertension and bradycardia. As our patient is not presenting with seizures, abnormal pupils, hypertension or bradycardia then as paramedics we may be able rule out a subarachnoid haemorrhage however it is strongly recommended that further investigations at hospital occur to definitively rule out a subarachnoid haemorrhage (Caterino Kahan, 2003). Heat Stroke is when the bodys core temperature is above 40Â °C. A patient will present with an altered conscious state, high body core temperature, tachycardia and anhidrosis. A rash may be present due to the blockage of sweat glands. Based on the information provided our patient is exhibiting a fever and further investigation such as obtaining a detailed history of activities (prolonged heat exposure) and taking a tympanic temperature would need to undertaken to rule out possible heat stroke (Caterino Kahan, 2003). CVA/Stroke there are two classifications of stroke. The most common stroke is the ischemic stroke which occurs when cerebral blood flow is interrupted and the second most common is hemorrhagic stroke. The patient will present with a headache, decreased conscious state, progressive deficits such as parethesias, visual disturbances and numbness. Information provided indicates that our patient does not have progressive deficits however as paramedics we would rule out stroke by referring to using the FAST stroke assessment on the patient (Kahan Ashar, 2009). Anaphylaxis is a severe overwhelming systemic allergic reaction which presents with urticaria, angiodema, nausea and vomiting, respiratory distress, poor perfusion and altered conscious state leading to loss of consciousness. A thorough history from the patient would indicate any past history of allergies or anaphylactic reactions. As our patient has no past history and limited clinical presentations of anaphylaxis, then treatment of the patient should be in accordance with the main presenting problem (Caterino Kahan, 2003). Migraine/headache a patient suffering from a migraine will present with dull and deep pain which is exacerbated during movement of the head. The patients conscious state is not affected and the patient will often have a past history of the illness (Cameron et al., 2009). Assessment Tools Kernigs sign and Brudzinskis sign are to be used in conjunction with each other in determining meningism. However it should be noted that these signs are only present in 50% of suspected adult cases. Kernigs sign is performed with the patient lying supine with legs raised and the knee is to be extended. Failure to extend the knees is considered to be a positive sign of meningism due to the spasming of the hamstrings. Brudzinskis sign is when the head is flexed causing the thighs and knees to also flex. These signs are thought to be caused by irritable motor root nerves which pass through the inflamed meninges causing tension in the roots (Cameron et al., 2009). The Meningitis Research Foundation and the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee in the United Kingdom have developed an identification and management protocol of meningococcal septicaemia for ambulance personnel. The protocol starts with the assessment of airway, breathing, circulation and conscious state and then includes exposure and observation which is a simplistic secondary survey that primarily looks for a rash. The protocol states that the rash will be purpuric and will not fade or blanche if a glass is pressed firmly against rash, the rash will remain visible through the glass. Other signs and symptoms are given such as raised respiratory effort, tachycardia, poor capillary refill, vomiting/nausea, painful joint and limbs as often not all signs and symptoms will be present. Management of the patient with suspected meningococcal septicaemia in accordance to the protocol is as follows: High flow oxygen (assisted ventilations as required) Load patient and transport to nearest hospital. Give benzylpenicillin in transit (Infant 300mg, small child 600mg, large child adult 1200mg) Treat for shock during transport with a bolus of crystalloid (children 20ml/kg and adult 250ml bolus). Re-assess vital signs before repeating dose. It should be noted that no more than 3 boluses of crystalloid for children and a maximum of 2 litres for adults. Alert hospital of patient and give relevant history. Benzylpenicillin commonly known as penicillin G is used as it is an antibiotic considered to be the gold standard of penicillin to be used for the treatment of group B streptococci, non- ÃŽÂ ² lactamase producing staphylococci (Meningitis Research Foundation, 2008). Conclusion As paramedics this assignment highlights the importance of obtaining a thorough past history, current history and chief complaint, vital sign statistics and any other relevant information such as temperature, medications and secondary surveys to ensure that an accurate assessment of the patient can occur. A thorough assessment allows the paramedic to implement the right management and treatment for the patient until they reach definitive care and treatment at a hospital.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
All Quiet on the Western Front Essay: Nature of War :: All Quiet on the Western Front Essays
All Quiet on the Western Front: Nature of War            In the books All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque and The Wars by Timothy Findley, there is clear evidence of the nature of war. With all the efforts of preparation, discipline, and anticipation, false hopes were created for the young individuals, who leave the battlefields with numerous emotional and physical scars. The propaganda and disciplinary training to convince naà ¯ve young men to go to battle to fight for their country, the death of their comrades, and the physical breakdown are all part of twentieth century warfare.            Paul Baumer is the main character in All Quiet on the Western Front, and Robert Ross is the main character in The Wars. Both boys were at a very young age when they were exposed to World War 1. The war was getting worse as the days went by, and the soldiers were dying quickly. The commanding officers felt it was best to convince young men to enter the war to support and fight for their country. They were not told whom they were really fighting for, or the cause. In Paul’s case, Germany was under attack from many sides, and it was best for him to head for the front lines and defend his fatherland. Paul was almost â€Å"brainwashed†and was completely convinced that he was doing the right thing. Once it was different. When we went to the district commandant to enlist, we were a class of twenty young men, many of whom proudly shaved for the first time before going to the barracks. We had no definite plans for our future. Our thoughts of a career and occupation were as yet of too unpractical a character to furnish any scheme of life. We were still crammed full of vague ideas which gave to life, and to the war also an ideal and almost romantic character. We were trained in the army for ten weeks and in this time more profoundly influenced than by ten years at school (Remarque 25).   However, in Robert’s case, he felt neglected by his family, and sought refuge in the war as a way of escaping his family and the death of his sister. Robert envied him because he could go away when this was over and surround himself with space. (It was then, perhaps, the first inkling came that it was time for Robert to join the army (Findley 24).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Cyrano De Bergerac :: Cyrano De Bergerac Essays
While reading Cyrano de Bergerac, I found myself often wondering whether or not Cyrano had led a happy life. Actually, I never once wondered that, but that is irrelevant, because Cyrano’s happiness is the focus of this essay. Was he happy? Truth be told, I cannot say for sure. If we look upon his life, it would seem that he was a bit of a martyr, always sacrificing his happiness for the sake of others. This is probably the case, but I do not believe that he led his life with his happiness as any sort of goal. That will be a defining case in my argument. What I really believe is that he simply did not care about his happiness. In that sense, he did not so much sacrifice it, as he annexed and divided it when he saw fit. To a further extent, this apathy towards himself probably came from a low self-worth, almost certainly spawned not from his elephantine nose, but the fair maiden Roxanne. Finally, the nose itself, the very icon of de Bergerac, was probably not the problem that Cy rano believed it to be. All of this, however obscure it may seem, is crucial to the question posed of me now. Cyrano’s happiness was not viewed by him with either a favor or a goal. I cannot believe that Cyrano cared about his own happiness whatsoever. Really, that apathy would probably be the only way that he could emotionally accept his dangerously selfless undertakings. Case in point, his giving of Roxanne to the incredibly undeserving Christian. No real happiness in that action. Roxanne and Christian’s, maybe, but certainly not his own, and he loved Roxanne. Had Cyrano actually wanted to be happy, the pangs of grief that he would feel as he gave her away would certainly have ripped him apart. But if Cyrano convinced himself that he did not care about his own happiness, then it would at least take the edge off of those bitter emotions that surely plagued his soul whenever he saw his love’s face. This triggered diffidence, with all the sacrifice that Cyrano made, may have been the only defense mechanism that he had. Continuing on from Cyrano’s carelessness for his happiness, we may easily make a jump to his sense of self-worth. Any man who would sacrifice his own love, thus, his entire world, for the sake of his rival cannot have a concern for himself.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Education reforms Essay
Education reforms are procedures that bring systematic changes in the education sector in a society or community. Education reforms date back in the time of the Roman Empire during Christianity due to the need to teach the roman about Christianity. The modern reforms were preceded by the neo classical education that was similar to the classical education in m any way. The need for modern reforms is backed by many reasons, which include the economic reasons, different philosophies in the education, different aims of education and the essence of educating all the people unlike in the past when education was meant to be for the well up families. Reforms in the modern education have been of paramount importance, this is because the classical education system answered the question about when where, what, who, and how, and leaving the questions of which and why, more so, the classical education preferred the use of the ancient languages like the Latin and Greek thereby deprecating the local languages and this produced odd effects in the social arena. The child study program that was introduced by Jacques Rousseau that meant to educate the children as they developed to adult hood was very important though it was rarely implemented but enabled the later thinkers. He advocated for the removal of the children from the society and utilize their potential and curiosity by teaching them through experience instead of intellectually. In countries like Prussia, Spain, Soviet Union, Germany and France, the education reforms were of great important since education is used to install a symbol of national unity, culture and maintain a national language. This resulted to many children being taught the national language in their early childhood and the immigrants were also forced to learn these language so that they would be easily be assimilated into these nations. Education reforms have been carried out to attain many different objectives, but in general most reforms are directed to address the problems within the society, this general view has enabled these reforms to be implemented, some of the societal problems being addressed are problems of poverty, class and gender. These changes are proposed by thinkers and are then implemented through the society change institutions like the education of certain class of individuals in the society; ruling class, immigrant class or the ruling class. Education reforms have been seen as an avenue to achieve democracy. This is because when the general public is educated, it is likely to make wise informed decisions in all aspects in life (economic and social aspects) and therefore guarantee high levels of democratic governance that can only be achieved through education. Educational reforms for democratization have been recorded in Plato and US during the reign of Thomas Jefferson. Social economic problems have been associated with lack of proper education therefore resulting to the need for education reforms. It has been observed that education reforms have had good yields of creation of wealth and improving the social welfare. In 1950 in Kerala, India, the improvement in the health standards of the women was associated with the increase in the education levels of women due to the educational reforms. In Iran the increase in level of income and efficiency in farming methods had a correlation with the education reforms. Good educational reforms such as the libertarian that allowed the parents or guardians to select the best schools for their children has enabled the children to excel in their academic performance due to the increased competition among the schools. The competition has compelled the schools to offer better education and improve the standards in schools. The increased demand for parents to take the responsibility of their children learning through home education has been accepted in many countries since the parents can monitor their children closely rather than taking them to the public schools whose performance is questionable. There has also been the introduction of online learning where by a student can study online ether at home or at the office. These reforms have yielded good results since students is able to monitor himself and plan his/ her work after considering the tasks he / she should accomplish. The introduction of the adult education has earned better fruits than offering the adults with opportunities. This is usually implemented better by having a public library fully equipped with academic resources for use. Other reforms that have had good results include the involvement of the students in the learning activities through participation in classrooms. The students are used by the board of governors and the school authorities to know the changes that are essence. Some of the problems that have resulted due to the education reforms is the introduction of the public schools, these schools are supported by the locals through the levies they pay. This means that the schools have different learning facilities depending with the financial endowment of the locals and the ability to pay the taxes. The schools within the poverty ridden areas are likely to be failing. This has resulted to division in the performance of schools in different states when weighed on a common scale. This is a great mistake since their should be equality in funding of all schools in all states so that all the children have equal opportunities. Another problem is the no child left behind policy; this ensures that all children pass the federal exams without which the schools will lose its federal funding. This further forces the teaching staff to teach the students the exams, what is likely to be tested, and the students are left with the purpose of memorizing rather than understating what is taught. This action goes against all the fundamental principles of teaching. Another problem with the public education program is that the teachers only teach what they know, and since the teaching fraternity is dominated by the white with rare cases of colored that found their way to America through the illegal immigration, slave trade or brain drain, this means that the teachers cannot teach or answer question about the non white cultures or traditions The education reforms have had very positive impact to the student from the disadvantage families, those living below the poverty line and may be have single parent’s whiles others have emotional, physical or mental disabilities. These kinds of children have diminished expectation and were given less attention in classrooms, but with the reforms, they have experienced different kind of classrooms whereby they interact with others and compete in performing complex tasks The reforms have been characterized with clear cut goal and objectives to be achieved that are communicated to the parents, teachers, and the students who must come to an agreement on how viable and sustainable is the reform. The reforms must provide a school culture that provides an atmosphere for learning whilst linking all the cultures of all students and backgrounds. Proper management of the reforms is essential, this involves considering all the internal and external environment, the expected results should be listed and control measures put in place in case the objectives are not attained. The kind oaf reforms that should be encouraged are the once that have been evaluated keenly and found to have a positive net effect, this is because some reforms are likely not to meet the expectation. Formal procedure for reforms should begin by identification, formulation, appraisal, implementation, completion and the evaluation.
Monday, September 16, 2019
English Importance in the Next Few Years
The topic under discussion is that â€Å"compare the importance of English to the other major languages of the world and then tell whether it will be able to sustain its superiority in the next hundred years†. I am for the topic. A language is a systematic means of communication by the use of sounds or conventional symbols. It is the code we all use to express ourselves and communicate to others. It is a communication by word of mouth. It is the mental faculty or power of vocal communication. It is a system for communicating ideas and feelings using sounds, gestures, signs or marks. Language therefore remains potentially a communicative medium capable of expressing ideas and concepts as well as moods, feelings and attitudes and thus makes humans different from other living beings. The latest and the most advanced discoveries and inventions in science and technology are being made in the universities located in the United States of America where English language is the means of scientific discourse. The importance of English as a spoken language began as a result of the colonial era, when European powers took to the seas in order to find new lands and natural resources. The effects of that time can still be felt in the number of English speakers in India, select parts of Asia and Africa, and North America. The influence of English grew stronger in the 20th century, with the increased mobility of populations, the growth of the United States as an economic power, and the presence of international media in everyday life. As of 2010 there are fewer native speakers of English than Chinese, though English is spoken in more places, and more people speak English as a second language. The importance of English in business comes from its use as a lingua franca, or a means of communication between speakers of two different languages. Many of the world's top languages function this way, including French, Russian and Arabic, but English still has the widest reach. A South Korean businessman traveling to meet the head of an Argentinean conglomerate in Germany will expect the common language for all to be English. Aside from the United Nations, many other international organizations operate in English. After World War II, key financial institutions were created in English, including the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The World Trade Organization and a variety of other UN affiliates such the World Food Program and the World Health Organization use English in spoken and written communication. Five of the largest broadcasting companies (CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC and CBC) transmit in English, reaching across the world through satellite television and local holdings. Estimates for the number of people using the Internet in English lie only slightly ahead of users in Chinese, but well ahead of Spanish and other major languages. In the publishing industry, English is also well ahead: 28 percent of books published annually are in English, and the market for books in English for second language speakers is growing. English currently dominates in science and technology, a position that it took over from German after World War I. Scientific journals publish in English, and many researchers, especially in physics, chemistry and biology, use English as their working language. The historical circumstances of India (having been ruled by the British for over two centuries) have given the Indians an easy access to mastering English language, and innumerable opportunities for advancement in the field of science and technology. Many Indians have become so skilled in English language and have won many international awards for creative and comparative literatures during the last few years. Sometime ago, an Indian author, Arundhati Roy, won the prestigious booker prize for her book â€Å"The God of Small Things†. Her book sold lakhs of copies all over the globe. According to the 2004 World Factbook, 49 countries list English as their official language, not counting the United States and the United Kingdom, which do not list any official language but use predominantly English. In 2001, a poll of the 189 member countries in the United Nations showed that 120 of them preferred to use English to communicate with other Over the years, English language has become one of our principal assets in getting a global leadership for books written by Indian authors and for films made by Indians in English language. A famous Indian movie maker Shekhar Kapoor’s film â€Å"Elizabeth†has got several nominations for Oscar Awards. It does not require any further argument to establish the advantage English language has brought to us at the international level. English language comes to our aid in our commercial transactions throughout the globe. English is the language of the latest business management in the world and Indian proficiency in English has brought laurels to many Indian business managers. English is a means not only for international commerce; it has become increasingly essential for inter-state commerce and communication. English language comes to our aid in our commercial transactions throughout the globe. English is the language of the latest business management in the world and Indian proficiency in English has brought laurels to many Indian business managers. English is a means not only for international commerce; it has become increasingly essential for inter-state commerce and communication. Some of the states of India are witnessing popular increase in public demand for teaching of English language from the primary classes. Realizing the importance, recently, the Minister of Indian Railways, Laloo Prasad Yadav, demands teaching of English language in schools. The great demand for admission in English medium schools throughout the country is a testimony to the attraction of English to the people of India. Many of the leaders, who denounce English, send their own children to English medium schools. Many of the schools in the country have English as the sole or additional medium of instruction. A language attracts people because of the wealth of literature and knowledge enshrined in it. English poses no danger to Indian languages. The Indian languages are vibrant and are developing by the contributions of great minds using them as their vehicle of expression. English is available to us as a historical heritage in addition to our own language. We must make the best use of English to develop ourselves culturally and materially so that we can compete with the best in the world of mind and matter. English language is our window to the world. English language is one tool to establish our viewpoint. We can learn from others experience. We can check the theories of foreigners against our experience. We can reject the untenable and accept the tenable. We can also propagate our theories among the international audience and readers. We can make use of English to promote our worldview and spiritual heritage throughout the globe. Swami Vivekananda established the greatness of Indian view of religion at the world conference of religions in Chicago in 1893. He addressed the gathering in impressive English. Many spiritual gurus have since converted thousands of English people to our spirituality by expressing their thought and ideas in masterful English. English has thus become an effective means of promoting Indian view of life, and strengthening our cultural identity in the world. CONCLUSION: Generally, Standard English today does not depend on accent but rather on shared educational experience, mainly of the printed language. Present-day English is an immensely varied language, having absorbed material from many other tongues. It is spoken by more than 300 million native speakers, and between 400 and 800 million foreign users. It is the official language of air transport and shipping; the leading language of science, technology, computers, and commerce; and a major medium of education, publishing, and international negotiation. For this reason, scholars frequently refer to its latest phase as World English. Thus English is evitable. Thus English will never loose its superiority even in the next hundred years,
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Life Changing Essay
In life, we all know something that has changed the way we perceive people and events. Most meaningful events that have changed our perception can be our experience that we have gone through and learned from. Life-changing experiences play an important role on our development. Whether adults or children, we are affected by our experience which could impact us immensely. Personally speaking, my previous experience have affected me significantly. One is my first job experience, the other is my first-time experience of living in a brand-new country. Firstly, my first job experience greatly affected me. I remember that I was working at a Taiwanese restaurant. It was a really busy restaurant with five to eight employees. My manager told me that being a good waiter, it is important to smile and have a good attitude. I was not doing a great job on my first day of work. I was not really happy, because I made a lot of mistake, including messing up customer’s orders, no smiling, and a bad service attitude. I was judged by my manager. However, I believed that practice would lead to improvement and I never gave up, keep learning and practicing the working skills. After that, I became a mature and efficient waiter. In addition to above experience, communication and co-operation are also what I learned on my job. For example, when I served my customers for the first time, I was too shy to talk. But the most important thing for a waiter to know about is customers’ needs and expectations. Lack of communication with customers will not achieve this. After working for one month, I learned how to communicate with my customers. Furthermore, co-operation between co-workers is also important. I learned how to work with other waitresses/waiters and understood more about teamwork. For instance, my manager would allocate the tasks to us and every waitress/waiter needs to be aware of his/her responsibilities. The most difficult moment of co-operation is during the business hours, because employees need to be more understanding of each other. Secondly, living in a new country is my other significant experience. I lived in England for two years. When I first arrived in England, I lived with a host family in Oxford. Language and unfamiliarity with the city are the biggest problems that I faced. My most unforgettable moment is my first day of going to school in Oxford. I could not speak English and I felt lost in a new area. At that moment, body language was my only tool to help me find my school. I still remember that I was thinking about taking a bus school, but I didn’t know where the bus station was. I tried to use my body language to ask a passer-by. It was fortunate that a gentleman understood my body language and my school address. After that, he brought me to the school. My first experience in England positively affected me. Looking back, my first job experience made me grow up and come outgoing. It also taught me about work co-operation. Before my first job, I did not like talking, I was shy when I was talking to people. But now, I am never shy of talking. Moreover I can say that right now I understand more about how to co-operate with my people, because I learned on my first job. The advantage of my England’s experience is that I learned a new language, I became independent and my adaptability became stronger. Previously, I could not speak English, but now I can fundamentally communicate with people in English. Also, â€Å"living by yourself, supporting yourself, paying your bills, and having total freedom over your domain is truly life-changing. It changes your perspective on solitude  it’s nothing to be afraid of, and can be pretty great  and shows you that you are capable of managing things by yourself if the need ever arises.†( from THOUGHT CATALOG, 7 life-changing experiences every girl deserves to have, BY SOPHIE MARTIN, Mar.11, 2014 ). I believe that when you travel to new country and live by yourself, it will definitely make you become independent. Lastly, my adaptability became stronger since I lived in England. A strong adaptability make me more easily integrate into a new environment. In conclusion, life changing experiences are really important to us. In my case, my first job experience and my first-time experience of living in a brand-new country are what led to change in my life. Co-operation skills, independence, adaptability and language skills are what I learned. Obviously, people can definitely learn something through their life experience. These experiences are our life lessons that lead to our future.
Employee Performance Evaluation Essay
Do you have any questions about what is expected of you on the job? Are there any areas that are unclear for you? Being in the practice for more than 13 years, I believe I am performing well as a Clinical Coordinator at _________________. I know well my primary duties not only to the doctors but to the patients as well. Patient flow is one of my main tasks. Therefore, doing it for more than a decade has really helped me learn by heart the task that I am supposed and not supposed to do. Extended duties, in addition, provide me with more skills development. Nonetheless, I still believe that committing to my work as a clinician, to the doctors, and to the patients is my key to being able to perform what is expected of me for this particular job. And I know I have worked hard for that. For me, the most unclear, and also lacking, is the salary increase. I have been in this job for more than 13 years and my salary has been pretty much the same. I love my job, that is why I always work hard for it, but taking into consideration practicality, the standard of living has been constantly increasing and I know I have to keep up with that. It is quite disappointing that my co-employees and I are not getting fairly regular higher compensation grants. What do you consider to be your most important accomplishment in this review period? Being on the job itself and being able to practice what I love doing is one of the accomplishments that I have gained working here. Being able to be trained by professionals and get me going to my long-term goal of getting into Dental Hygiene program at this community college is a privileged appreciated for me. In addition, higher salary, maybe inasmuch as what I have received last year 2005, provides recognition for me as an employee for the decade or more that I have worked as a Clinical Coordinator. What areas would you like to improve on your performance and how do you plan to do it? What can the doctors or other team members do to help you improve? I have realized the joy and hardship of working as a clinician. At the same time, I get firsthand impressions of the satisfaction of the patients when they know that they are cured or will get better soon. This is one of the pleasures I get working here. That is why I want to be even more productive. However, of course, I, as well as my co-employees, want to be recognized and get rightfully compensative for the dedication we tender as clinical workers. It has always been known that additional compensation always boosts employee morale and encourages them to work better and become more productive and useful. Please tell us about any special accomplishments or projects that you have involved into to improve any aspect of the practice. As mentioned, I have been in the practice for over 13 years. More so I believe I have performed well enough indicated by being able to serve the same industry for more than a decade. As far as I know, I have accomplished what is expected of my performance. Otherwise, I would not have lasted long. In addition, to be able to improve my skills, I practice well at work and really put my heart into what I am doing. The doctors are continuously training me. And eventually, if given more recognition to pay costs for my schooling, I am planning to delve into a Dental Hygiene program sponsored by this community college to be able to enhance more my skills and become a more productive clinician. Other comments? When an employee violates the rules in the practice repetitively in every category, what action do you take to make sure that the doctors get the respect they want out of the employees? I believe one of my strengths is that I know well what I am doing and that I am confident of what I do as a clinical coordinator. As I have said, being on this job for a lot of years has put me in a position where I am assured of my capabilities, and my potentials. With regards to respect, I believe in the clichà © â€Å"give respect to earn it†. Doctors and employees alike, no matter who is the boss of whom, deserves to be respected and properly treated. This involves complying with the proper and professional orders of the doctors, for the sake of their professional work. And the doctors in turn, give to the employees also high regard for the dedication they put on their works and give them rightful recognition. What are the areas that need improvement? I think, training the new employees, especially the new ones must be given proper attention. It has always been good to start working with much needed meaningful experience. This will definitely improve the clinical employees’ skills and practice them even more making them knowledgeable and more experience when it comes to first hand practice and on the job training. Where do you see yourself in the next year and what steps would you like to take to get there? Probably a year from now, I would be taking one or two classes a quarter, hopefully halfway done with pre-requisites. I will still be working fulltime and hopefully be a super treatment coordinator and become more trained and knowledgeable in diagnosing treatments. Two to three years from now, I hope to finish my pre-requisites and be able to prepare for dental hygiene examinations. But of course, I would not want to leave my work so I will still be working fulltime, probably 38 to 40 hours per week. And about five years from now, I may have completed by dental hygiene program having passed the examination. All these plans will help me not just boost my knowledge and skills, but also gain a higher degree of expertise about my chosen profession or career.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Red Scarf Girl
Feelings of Sympathy There is nothing worse than the act of betrayal. Jiang Ji-li, a girl who was always praised by her teachers and always felt warmth in her home started to be exposed to the real world and how people can walk away from those who were there for them their whole life and treated as if they were non existent. She never thought that her fellow peers could deceive her, betray her. Who would have ever thought that the same people who Jiang Ji-li kindly helped with their home work could easily point their guns at her.Not only does the reader feel sympathetic towards Jiang Ji-li but also fury towards the students and how she was treated because of her family's black status. Jiang Ji-li is not really not to blame for what kind of traits she bears or her stance, she was babied and never really let out of her cage into the wild where she could see things for herself. Jiang Ji-li's weak character also contributes to the kind of mood the author feels during the time he/she read s the book.Ji-li, by the way she acts, she seems very fragile and she is not one that can easily accept what negative things that are said about her. Ji-li thinks that there is only good things and good people in the world. If it's not said or pointed out to her, she would never have noticed it. She is too carefree, allowing herself to think that there are only harmless people, that they would never hurt her until there was a da-zi-bao written about her, â€Å"Ke Cheng-li doesn't like working-class kids. He only likes rich kids†¦We have to ask the question, What is the relationship between them after all? †If she had been a very strong girl, knew where she stood and didn't care what others said about her or her family, the reader would have felt a different mood. Though there are other factors that contribute to the story, for instance â€Å"setting. †In this novel, it talks about the Cultural Revolution of Chairman Mao whose intention was to do good things to C hina starting by ridding the Four Olds and bringing in the Four News.Without this historical time period in the book, there would be no chaos in the country, and there would have been no class status that separated the rich from the working-class families. The setting affects the mood of the reader. If the author of the novel chose to change the setting and only the setting, there would be a huge to the mood the reader feels. â€Å"Suddenly I wished that I had been born into a different family. I hated Grandpa for being a landlord,†one cannot help but feel sympathetic towards Ji-li, who was not yet ready to face the cruel world.It's unimaginable how much anger can be inside her especially if she hates someone she has never met, which makes the reader feel pity for her. How hurt she must be, a girl always showered with warmth, love and compliments now being thrown dirt on. Throughout the book, I've felt sympathy towards Ji-li. She tries very hard to do what's right, and aims to be successful but her black class status held her back. Always fearing that people will make fun of her black class status, she shied away from doing things she wanted to do.In the epilogue of the book, even though Chairman Mao had died, her status continued to follow her, refraining her family to move forward, and remain under those who had better statuses. Some might feel fury towards the movement, how it was not right because it allowed many others, besides the Jiang family to suffer because of criticism due to their wealthy lifestyle or committing other â€Å"crimes. †What might make the reader feel especially sympathetic towards Ji-li's situation is how she was confused about what to do, she was suffering and she was told she had two roads she could take.She could either leave her parents and their family's black status or she could stay with her family and remain loyal. Ji-li didn't have a choice, she didn't choose to be born into the kind of family she was born in. Why did it matter that her grandfather was a landlord? She wasn't. The main contribution to the mood, in my opinion was probably the traits that Ji-li bear. What she felt, the readers could feel because it was her point of view that they looked at.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Importance of Cloud Computing to Public and Private Firms Term Paper
Importance of Cloud Computing to Public and Private Firms - Term Paper Example This study looks into cloud, one of the new innovations in the information age. It involves transferring, capturing, processing, and exchanging information via the services of another organization. Although there is no exact definition to the term cloud computing, it refers to the many applications in the computing business that is provided by a cloud computing provider. The user acquires the services of hardware and software of another organization. It is easy and cheap because you don’t need a computer and software in doing your computing. When an organization does cloud computing, it is able to access computer programs and services via the Internet. There are many websites and datacenters that provide computer applications. Cloud computing makes things easier for public and private firms. Cloud computing has lately been a popular topic among businesses and organizations that make use of the Internet and its applications in their business activities. It is an IT terminology that has stuck in the ever-growing world of Information Technology. Although it is new, it is becoming a trend. There is no exact definition to cloud computing, its meaning is as cloudy as its name but there are explanations that are near its meaning. When a company employs the services of a cloud provider, this company is able to access programs and computer services by way of the Internet. The service is hosted by another company and the services are paid by the private company which has access to the files and programs. Many companies have resorted to and are now dependent on cloud providers. But Richard Stallman said that people and businesses should not depend too much on cloud computing. Organizations that provide cloud computing have the hardware and software and sometimes they too can close shop without necessary warning. (Ambrust et al. 3) There are websites and datacenters that provide computer applications and this can be applied to firms. This is known as Software as a S ervice (SaaS). The website or company offering this service is known as a cloud. Various applications and services offered by these websites and data centers include translations, marketing, and other services. General Scope of Cloud Computing The field of IT involves hardware and software. Hardware refers to computers, servers and related equipment, while software refers to operating systems and other applications for various functions. A combination of hardware and software is called IT infrastructure. The infrastructure needs a support staff or people to man the equipment and operate the different functions. The support staff is called the IT support organization which is responsible for implementing, operating and supporting IT. An organization’s IT infrastructure is supported and operated by employees and procedures that will build and operate the IT. These systems allow the firm to meet its primary objectives, such as acquiring profits, minimizing unnecessary costs, imp roving functions, enhancing customer loyalty, and fast tracking supply chain. (Reynolds 17) An organization can have these services without spending a lot through a cloud computing provider. A cloud provider performs computing to private and public companies. The user uses various applications provided by an organised company with all the amenities of computers. Computer services provided by cloud computing are
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Environment assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Environment assignment - Essay Example This is an involuntary risk. C). Exposure to ultraviolet radiations (UV). The UV radiations exposure during sun bathing after swimming can damage the eyes and the skin. This is a voluntary risk. 2) Environmental risks related to home and Neighborhood. a)Inhaling Carbon Monoxide that emanates from incomplete combustion of fossil fuel . These fuels are used for cooking or heating homes during cold seasons. Exposure to carbon monoxide at home may be considered as involuntary and poses the risk headaches, cognitive impairments and other neuro-psychiatrist problems. b) Risk posed by pesticides that are used for exterminating and preventing insect pests. The pesticide has a negative effect on the human reproductive and neurological systems. This is an involuntary risk. C) Exposure to volatile organic compounds used at home for cleaning appliances and for personal hygiene such as hair fresheners. These compounds cause nose eye and throat irritation and also affects the kidney and the nervou s system. It is an involuntary risk. 3. Environmental risks related to living (school and work). a) Noise and Vibration risks. The noise and vibration emanates from highway traffic when traveling from home to and from school. This noise cause headaches, stress and may also result in damaging of the eardrum and the subsequent impairment of hearing capability. b) Risk of sudden change of heat and humidity.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Mid Term Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Mid Term Exam - Assignment Example This depends upon where and how the company markets its products or services. In addition, when it comes to marketing or promoting a service or product, one sixe does not fit it all. There are various elements of the marketing strategy that may need to change depending on whether the company is marketing globally or domestically. In order for the Apollo Company to gain enter and gain control of new markets, the marketing managers needs to conduct a situation analysis. A situation means the state of things that occur at the same time. Situation analysis interprets the environment that an organization operates. The situation analysis gives the knowledge and context for planning. It shows the competitive position, financial and operating condition and the state of external and internal affairs. In situation analysis, SWOT analysis is the commonly used analysis. SWOT refers to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to a company. In our study of the Asian pacific and North America markets, the positioning statement should be believable, important and unique. After the positioning statement has been developed, supporting claims have to be implemented. The statements are used in satisfying a similar criterion to the positioning statement. Then support points usually reinforce the uniqueness, believability and the importance of the positioning statement. The support points usually give a structure for demonstrations of the products. The positioning statement articulates the abstract benefit while the supporting points usually are readily available for demonstration. International marketing means to provide one’s services or goods worldwide. It is a tradition for most companies to start marketing their products or services domestically and expand to international market to capture wider market share and increase avenues for sales of their services or
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Questionare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Questionare - Essay Example The descriptive phase follows, in which the demographic and statistical information on the target population and target program emulations are determined in respective forms of their completeness and efficiency. â€Å"Exploratory studies are most typically done†¦ to satisfy the researcher’s curiosity and desire for better understanding, to test the feasibility of undertaking a more careful study, and to develop the methods to be employed†(Babbie, 1995, p. 84). #12 Between Kà ¤rtnerstrasse, Graben and Kohlmarkt, which is the most popular street? Why? ________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #13 How much would you expect to spend in a typical day of shopping? On how much designer products would this money typically be spent? ______ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Multiple choice form is optimal for diversity since it also affords anonymity and privacy while simultaneously reducing the amount of confusion often attendant upon a questionnaire interview that is evinced by so many. The survey that is given to individuals representing two different sides of the issue of the effectiveness of research into presented issues. Respondents are instructed, Please circle the letter that seems best to
Monday, September 9, 2019
International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
International Relations - Essay Example Whereas some of these developed countries have benefitted from China’s economic transition, certain developed world economies have expressed concern about china’s rapid economic growth. The mar0ket liberalization has been the cause of disagreement among the developed economies that read malice from China’s rapid advancements in terms transitions within the economic paradigms. One of the most interested parties in the case of China’s advancing economic might is the United States of America. Realistically, the rate at which China is developing its economy is a threat to U.S. its economic transition is not good for the country. For instance, according to Pew Research Center, the last one year has seen China’s economy grow at the rate of 7% compared to the U.S dwindling 2-3% growth. Secondly, most of the developing countries have expressed strong desires to work with China as their major trading partner. They have opened their markets for china’s goods and services. This wave of the â€Å"East economy†is affecting the U.S, previously considered the economic powerhouse (Goldstein et al, 465). The Pew Research center also indicated that many Americans have registered their dissatisfaction with the way China’s economic rise and its stands to affect the U.S economy. The Obama administration for instance, filed a complaint against china for subsidizing the exports of the automotive alongside undercutting the American suppliers (Goldstein et al. 467). During the heated campaigns of the U.S 2012 elections, Mitt Romney took a soli9d stand against Chin, promising to label China â€Å"A currency manipulator†and impose high tariffs on China’s goods to the U.S. While this would mean that China’s market in the U.S would be reduced, the prospects would be that it might not stop China from making more transitions even though U.S provides its largest markets. The mercantilist approach may not work effectively
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Health - Essay Example Addressing health impairment factors with substance abusers is called â€Å"Fear appeals†, the individual can be taught about the hazards involved in abusing drugs and explaining the entire bodily, mechanism that is hampered as a result of the drugs. In order to convey the message of the fear appeal, the substance abuser must be sober at that time and one another factor that would be more effective in dealing with the problem is not inducing excessive amount of fear in the client. If the fear appeal induces excessive fear the client is likely to suppress these unpleasant feelings as quickly as possible and though, for a short period of time he may quit substance abuse but the behavior may relapse once the fear subsides. Therefore, clinicians must exercise caution. 2. Would it make a difference how old the substance abuser is? Age is an extremely significant factor in determining the effects of addressing the health impairment factor. For instance, if the substance abuser is yo ung there is a high possibility that the individual began abusing drugs only recently.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Los Vendidos by Luis Valdez Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Los Vendidos by Luis Valdez - Research Paper Example It is clear from the study that in his play Luis Valdez highlights racism, social injustice, stereotyping and corruption of social identity as key problems faced by the Mexican and Mexican- American groups. The perpetrators are the Americans. The Mexican stereotypes are not accepted by the American society thus face constant disapproval and discrimination. This case is demonstrated by the proceedings of the secretary-Miss Jimenez who goes to buy a â€Å"brown-skinned†robot that has a Mexican appeal. However, she focuses on a model that is likely to be accepted by the American society for having certain characteristics such as the English speaking ability, sophistication and hard-working. The secretary highlights these characteristics as the ideal representation of the American. These characteristics are completely opposite to those associated with Mexicans or Mexicans-Americans. They are known as lazy, stupid and illiterate. As much as the Americans are blamed for these acts against the community having Mexicans roots, they are also to blame for its spread. The shop owner and the secretary have Mexican roots but instead, continue to stick to the stereotypes set by the Americans. This proves to a certain point that they are also inclined to believe it is the actual case with people of Mexican roots. The author focuses much on the effects of the Americans in perpetrating this kind of discrimination while also failing to recognize the role played by the Mexicans and the Mexican-American society. While buying the models Miss Jimenez- a Latina, but she play-acts as an American, and for that matter she is inclined or rather believes that products made in the U.S.A are way better. In fact she wishes to buy a Mexican-American product only made in the USA are because they thought to be of better quality than those made by Mexicans. After going past a Mexican a revolutionist, a pachuco, a farmworker and a college-educated Mexican-American, the secretary decides t o take the last one. She buys the model, but just after making the monetary disbursement he acts in an unforeseen way. Terrified, she leaves the model shop without taking the merchandise she had bought (Valdez, 1995). This explains that she had conflicts with how the office would like her purchase. Perhaps it would not please them enough. This shows that the Latinos have to great extent become subject to enabling the spread of this stereotyping. The author does not dwell much on it though it is an indispensable part of the play. It is very notable. Until this instant in the text â€Å"Los Vendidos†the reader can see the diverse stereotypes about Latinos themselves, comprising those who act as if they are not Latinos like the secretary. If the play ended at that point, it would be anassessment on the relationships based on stereotypes. However, Luis Valdez goes ahead and displays the set of Latinos who act like robots distributing the money they had got from the secretary and seeingas stupid those people who
Friday, September 6, 2019
The Background of Fairy Tales stories and their Multiple Versions Essay Example for Free
The Background of Fairy Tales stories and their Multiple Versions Essay â€Å"The Background of Fairy Tales stories and their Multiple Versions†In this essay, I am going to discuss the different versions that writers had written about the famous fairy tale â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood†by Charles Perrault, or sometimes known as â€Å"Little Red Cap†by the Grimm Brothers. To start we are going to be arguing a critical essay explaining why fairy tales are created, and what’s the reality behind these stories. First, according to a critical essay â€Å"The trials and tribulations of Little Red Ridding Hood†by Jack Zipes there had been different versions of this famous fairy tale each of them are related to the actual world that we live in. In this critical essay, Zipes talks about the origins of â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood†tale and he also discusses the new version that was updated or recreated by Perrault. As we all know, the character Little Red Ridding Hood has been used to warn kids about the consequences of disobedience or the consequences of talking to strangers. At the beginning of the essay, Zipes says, â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood has never enjoyed an easy life†(P.1). This line grabs my attention because it makes me realize that Little Red Ridding Hood is a character that is meant to reflect the disobedience and its consequences. This girl didn’t have an easy life and she’s never going to get a better one because this world is getting harder, also, I can say that these tales are created to show and teach children about what’s going on around the world, especially to innocent girls because they have to be in guard of wolf/men who want to abuse them. For example, we all know that in the 21st century, there are many wolves that want to eat innocent girls, but as we know those wolves can be very intelligent and show themselves attractive and gentle, but at the end of the day they will show their sharp teeth to attack their prey. Furthermore, Zipes mentions that Little Red Ridding Hood has suffered abused after abused and that seems to be very suspicious. In my opinion, there is nothing suspicious about it, because that was the way that it was on the past where men abused women just because they thought they were superior to women. However, we know that nowadays it is not like that anymore because women have proclaimed equality between men and women. Therefore, I believe that in the 21st century fairy tales show characters that can take control of dangerous situations without the help of a huntsman, police man etc. In other words, women are more capable to fight for their own safety because they have learned that men are not supe rior to women. The social function of â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood†is to teach children how dangerous it could be to talk to strangers, which makes sense because the scenes of this story describe exactly what could happen to them if they disobeyed their parents advices. One interesting fact that we can see in any version of â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood†is that the girl always deceived the wolf and saves herself without the help of her grandma, hunters, police, or father! This means that kids need to learn how to take care of themselves and learn to be independent because there might be occasions where mom or dad are not going to be there to help them. I believe that kids need to grow up with these tales; tales that are appropriate (and by appropriate I mean tales with no sexual content) to their age. Like that they can learn how to become confident and independent. Now let’s talk about Perrault’s Transformation of the Tale One important fact that I can mention about Perrault’s transformation of â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood†is that this writer wrote two different versions of the tale (one for children and there is a another one for adults). What I like the most of this fact is that parents can be more confortable that their kids are learning good things from this tale and most importantly, the content is according to their age. For example I can mention a video cartoon that I watched on YouTube entitled â€Å"Red Hot Ridding Hood†in which Little Red Ridding Hood is dancing on a bar and is there when the wolf goes crazy about her. In this video the wolf looked and spoke to the girl in a sexual way. As we see, this cartoon should be classified as an adult program and not for children because sexuality is a strong content in this video, even though, it does not show inappropriate images, but the behavior of the characters is not the best for a child to watch. Therefore, I think that it doesn’t matter how innocent cartoons look, parents should always pay attention on what their kids are watching on TV or on the Internet. In addition, the adult’s version is a good idea of the author, because, young adults can learn from this story too. Some people would say that adults don’t need to learn about those things, but others would say that it is good for adults to read and learn from this kind of stories. I agree with those people because some adults either women or men don’t really know how to behave in an appropriate way or how take care of themselves. Therefore, I believe that adults should learn from fairy tales, because these stories are easier and faster to learn a lesson from (learn their attributes, good manners, and behaviors). But adults are the ones who choose what they want to learn and which character they want to represent in real life. Another quote that I can bring up is when the writer says, â€Å" It may take another 200 years for us to undo all lessons Red Ridding Hood, and the wolf as well, were forced to learn†(P.9). On the one hand, this line is saying that women need to learn how to behave in a way that a real woman should do it. But on the other hand, it is also saying that there are many men who need to learn how to treat and respect women and give them their place as a woman. In the story we see that the wolf is compared as a man and he’s the bad apple of the story/life, but not every man is a bad apple because we saw that in the fairy tale there was a hunter that became the hero of the tale. Therefore I can say that men have the decision if they want to become a hero or they want to be the bad apple of the story. While I was reading Perrault’s critical version, I learned many things from it, I will point the most relevant and interesting lines that I loved the most. First, he was one of the first writers of children’s books (books that were realistic and related to real life). Secondly, Perrault says, â€Å"Accustomed to being the center of attention, Little Red Ridding Hood stops to listen to the wolf and tries and tarries in woods. The child seek to amuse herself, and she ends her shot life by being the object of the wolf’s amusement.†In other words, sometimes women are responsible of men depravation against them because some women try to catch men’s attention by seducing them, but they end up being men’s victims. Just as my mother always says, â€Å"if women want to be respected by others, they are the one who have to start respecting themselves first †I agree with those words, no one will take care and respect women if they don’t s tart giving themselves the respect they expect to receive from others.
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